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  • Writer's picturesophiejenna

I Wrote a Love Letter.

Updated: Apr 5, 2019

You are a strong woman. 

But that's not the only reason I love you.

I love you because you take every day as an opportunity to learn and change.

I love you because you forgive yourself the times you weren't perfect.

I love your flaws, your mistakes, your major fuck ups.

I honour your fears, your smallness, just as I honour your passion and power.

I see you, I see how you choose every day, even the most mundane of days to learn, to grow. I see how even in times of sadness, or crisis, or fear you choose optimism, positivity. I see how you choose to make change happen. I love how you take difficult times as a chance to learn more about yourself and who you are, how you choose to reflect and embrace positivity and always see the silver lining.

I love you when I look in the mirror and I see both a 23 year old trying to do adulthood, and a 10 year old girl just wanting to have fun. I love you when I see a passionate woman full of inspiration, a priestess, a confident queen. I love you when I see a tired, stressed, overwhelmed person needing a hug. I love you when I see you.

You are beautiful, your yearning to care for small people and plants and animals is beautiful. Your flaws are beautiful, your impulsiveness and your fears are beautiful. I love your unconventionality and your confidence, just as I love your wild belonging in nature.

I love you in your clear, calm, conscious strength, but I love you just the same when you can't find yourself in that place today.

Thank you for being you. <3

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